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Affiliate Disclosure

To support the operations of this website, we engage in paid advertising and utilize affiliate links. We believe in transparency and want to provide you with an overview of the various sources of income that contribute to the upkeep of this platform. If you have any questions, please ask at

Affiliate Links

Certain outbound links on this site are tracked by merchants (such as Amazon) and may result in a small commission being paid to us for any sales generated by visitors who click on these links from our website. The commission incurred has no additional cost to you as a buyer, and the price remains consistent whether you use the links on our website or not.

We currently earn affiliate revenue through the following networks:

  • Amazon

As a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, we abide by the Amazon Operating Agreement. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. This affiliate advertising program is designed to enable our website to earn advertising fees and commissions by linking to and affiliated sites.


In instances where we receive compensation for reviewing a product or are provided with a product at no cost in exchange for a review, we commit to disclosing this information upfront. Our reviews always reflect our genuine and candid opinions.

Paid Editorial

Should we feature a paid editorial or advertorial on this site, such as when a brand pays for content, it will be explicitly labeled. We only accept paid content that meets high-quality standards and is deemed beneficial to our readers.

If you want to learn more, or find out how any of the above works, feel free to contact us at