Verity quotes by Collen Hoover offer a glimpse into the main character’s twisted mind and reveal the true nature of the people around her.
Verity by Colleen Hoover

The novel is a thought-provoking commentary on the human psyche and the power of storytelling.
Verity Quotes
- “I think the idea of me is better than the reality of me.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “No one is likable from the inside out.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Find what you love and let it kill you.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I wasn’t heroic. I wasn’t simple. I was difficult. An emotionally challenging puzzle he wasn’t up for solving.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “A writer should never have the audacity to write about themselves unless they’re willing to separate every layer of protection between the author’s soul and their book. The words should come directly from the center of the gut, tearing through flesh and bone as they break free. Ugly and honest and bloody and a little bit terrifying, but completely exposed.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “What you read will taste so bad at times, you’ll want to spit it out, but you’ll swallow these words and they will become part of you, part of your gut, and you will hurt because of them.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “It’s what you do when you’ve experienced the worst of the worst. You seek out people like you…people worse off than you…and you use them to make yourself feel better about the terrible things that have happened to you.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “The world was her manuscript. No surface was safe.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Most people come to New York to be discovered. The rest of us come here to hide.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I stretch truths where I see fit. I’m a writer.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “the things lurking around inside the mind can be just as dangerous as tangible threats.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I was difficult. An emotionally challenging puzzle he wasn’t up for solving. Which was fine. I wasn’t in the mood to be solved” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “The good thing about sins is they don’t have to be atoned for immediately,” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I was good at spewing bullshit. It’s why I became a writer.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “It’s natural, to assume the worst in people, even if that assumption is only for a split second” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Some families are lucky enough to never experience a single tragedy. But then there are those families that seem to have tragedies waiting on the back burner. What can go wrong, goes wrong. And then gets worse.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “One should only walk away from an autobiography with, at best, an uncomfortable distaste for its author.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I needed for the imaginary version of my world to be darker than my real world. Otherwise, I would have wanted to leave them both.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “The kiss was full of both desire and respect—two things a lot of men didn’t seem to know could go hand in hand.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Take care of your physical being. Feed it what it needs, not what the conscience tells you it wants.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “If we were friends, I would do something to comfort him. Maybe grab his hand and hold it. But there’s too much inside me that wants to be more than his friend, which means we can’t be friends at all. If an attraction is present between two people, those two people can only be one of two things. Involved or not involved. There is no in-between.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Your writing matters to me, Lowen.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “My mother used to say that houses have a soul, and if that is true, the soul of Verity Crawford’s house is as dark as they come.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I don’t want to call him an asshole. He’s a little kid, and he’s been through a lot. But I think he might be an asshole.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “And that’s how easy it is for a writer to pretend to be someone they aren’t.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Here, I’m invisible. Unimportant. Manhattan is too crowded to give a shit about me, and I love her for it.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I wanted him to panic, to worry, to feel bad for me, to cry for me. To cry for me.”― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “No matter which way I look at it, it’s clear that Verity was a master at manipulating the truth. The only question that remains is: Which truth was she manipulating?” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “You can’t look at someone the way he looked at me—with the entirety of his past—without also imagining the future.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “It’s what you do when you’ve experienced the worst of the worst. You seek out people like you… people worse off than you… and you use them to make yourself feel better about the terrible things that have happened to you.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I’ve heard of Resting Bitch Face, but I relate more to Resting Bored Face.”
- “If an attraction is present between two people, those two people can only be one of two things. Involved or not involved. There is no in-between.”
- “With every day that passed, that first night with him was further validated. And that’s what love at first sight is. It isn’t really love at first sight until you’ve been with the person long enough for it to become love at first sight.”
- “I hear the crack of his skull before the spattering of blood reaches me.”
- “when a person finds someone who makes all the negativity in their lives disappear, it’s hard not to feed off that person.”
- “Don’t focus on why you’re playing the game. Just focus on the finish line.”
- “I can’t explain the mind of a writer to you, Jeremy. Especially the mind of a writer who has been through more devastation than most writers combined.”
- “As much as I try to forget where it all started to go wrong, I was cursed with this mind that never forgets a single thing.”
- “Have you ever heard of people referred to as Chronics?” he asks. I shake my head. “I think Verity might have made up the term. After our daughters died, she said we were Chronics. Prone to chronic tragedy. One terrible thing”
- “I find that comforting—that being alone with me in the room still feels like being alone to him.”
- “I was good at spewing bullshit. It’s why I became a writer.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Was it my destiny from the beginning to suffer such a tragic end? Or is my tragic end a result of poor choices rather than fate?” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “It’s hard sometimes – remembering they aren’t here anymore.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I fell in that moment. Not in love. I just…fell. It was as if I’d been standing on the edge of a cliff my whole life, and finally, after meeting Jeremy, I felt confident enough to jump. Because—for the first time in my life—I felt confident that I wouldn’t land. I would keep flying.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I hope you’ll find it in you to forgive me. I hope you’ll find it in you to forgive yourself.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “People get married assuming they’ll live long, happy lives together. What happens when one of those is cut short, but the other is expected to live out those vows for the rest of their life?” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Miscarriages were just as easy to fake as pregnancies.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Any parent in his position would have done the same. Should have done the same.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I’m here to discuss the first thing my baby ever stole from me. Jeremy.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “the exact definition for psychopath. I scroll through every personality trait. Pathological liar, cunning and manipulative, lack of remorse or guilt, callousness and lack of empathy, shallow emotional response.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “For me, there are three steps to completing each of my books. 1) Start the book and hate everything I write. 2) Keep writing the book despite hating everything I write. 3) Finish the book and pretend I’m happy with it. There’s never a point in my writing process where I feel like I’ve accomplished what I set out to accomplish, or when I believe I’ve written something everyone needs to read.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I’m sure it’s mostly in my head, but that doesn’t put me at ease, because the things lurking around inside the mind can be just as dangerous as tangible threats.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “the only nourishment for my soul had been ripped from me.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “It seems to be getting worse at night, nocturnal and intense. I’m sure it’s mostly in my head, but that doesn’t put me at ease, because the things lurking around inside the mind can be just as dangerous as tangible threats.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I think we both just want that part of our lives to be over. Gone. Forgotten.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “It’s what you do when you’ve experienced the worst of the worst. You seek out people like you… people worse off than you… and you use them to make yourself feel better about the terrible things that have happened to you. I swallow before I speak because” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “He seemed a little reserved and quiet, but now I realize all the quiet parts of him are just grief.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “you fuck with the machine, you will die. If you neglect the machine, you will die. If you assume your conscious can outlive the machine, you will die shortly after learning you were wrong.”
― Colleen Hoover, Verity - “I find myself drawn to his altruism – a rarity these days.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Don’t focus on why you’re playing the game. Just focus on the finish line.” ― Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “She was constantly taking notes. Writing down thoughts. She’d write ideas down on napkins. Dialogue in the shower on a waterproof notepad.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “It was amazing how different sex felt when a person used more than their body. I involved my heart and my gut and my mind and my hope. I fell in that moment. Not in love. I just… fell.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I think time will definitely help, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to entertain the idea of moving. If you’re in a house they’ve never been in, the reminders of them might fade. Not having them around would become your new normal.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “People like me belong in overpopulated cities. The state of my life is irrelevant in a place this size. There are far more people here with stories much more pitiful than mine. Here, I’m invisible. Unimportant. Manhattan is too crowded to give a shit about me, and I love her for it.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “It’ll take time. I would attempt to organize it myself, but it’s all Greek to me.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Everything about him is exactly what I needed tonight. His voice is calm and caring, and his arms are protective, and his presence is comforting.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “A writer should never have the audacity to write abut themselves unless they are willing to separate every layer of protection between the authors soul and their books.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “we were Chronics. Prone to chronic tragedy. One terrible thing after another.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “He laughs. “What do I smell like?” “Petrichor.” He’s dragging his lips down my stomach. “I don’t even know what that means.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “But when a person finds someone who makes all the negativity in their lives disappear, it’s hard not to feed off that person. I fed off Jeremy in order to keep my soul alive. It was starving and shriveled before I met him, but being in his presence nourished me. Sometimes I felt if I didn’t have him, I couldn’t function.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “The definition of our relationship was unspoken. It was organic. We were in love and that’s all that mattered.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “But when a person finds someone who makes all the negativity in their lives disappear, it’s hard not to feed off that person.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I’m the one who read your book. And it was good. Phenomenal. Which is why I suggested your name to her editor.” He lowers his head a little, looking me firmly in the eye. “Your writing matters to me, Lowen.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “I don’t know why I’m surprised when I set the manuscript back in the drawer. The contents of the drawer rattle as I slam it shut angrily. Why am I angry? This isn’t my life or my family. I’d trolled Verity’s reviews before coming here, and in nine out of ten of them, the reviewer referenced wanting to throw their Kindles or books across the room.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Someone to come along and make his tragedies seem less tragic. It’s what you do when you’ve experienced the worst of the worst. You seek out people like you… people worse off than you… and you use them to make yourself feel better about the terrible things that have happened to you.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Never read the comments.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “Why did you tell Crew to hold his breath, Verity?’ That’s the moment I knew it was over. That’s the moment he knew it was over.’.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
- “a woman knows if she wants to keep a man forever, she has to act like she could get over him in a day.” – Colleen Hoover, Verity
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